How to improve your cornering
How I Stopped Being Scared in Corners on my Motorcycle
I almost gave up riding motorcycles after seemingly getting worse and more afraid of corners. That was until I learned a new technique, Trail Braking (video below), that changed everything about how I ride, rekindling my love of the sport and my confidence in the corners.
Better way to corner
There is a better way to corner a motorcycle than the way you may have been taught in your basic rider course. In this video we'll focus on a much more efficient and less risky way to get a motorcycle around a corner.
Why You Need to Be Trail Braking & Motorcycle Trail Braking Explained
Have you ever wondered how to trail brake on a motorcycle? Or have you ever been told that trail braking is so risky that it should only be done by professionals on closed courses or racetracks? In this video we explain what trail braking is, how exactly it works the way it does and we explain why we think trail braking is one of the most powerful riding tools for street riders and how you should be trail braking on every ride.