Basic rider levels
This site is to help provide information to all skill levels of Motorcycle Riders.
The information in this site is content from some of the best resources in the industry.
what level of rider are you?
A beginner rider typically has no riding skill and has never ridden a motorcycle, scooter or moped. A novice typically has minimal riding skills.
An intermediate rider is typically a licensed rider licensed riders who already have novice (basic) riding skills and have ridden 500 to 1,000 miles since licensing.
An experienced rider is typically a rider that has been riding for years with thousands of miles on their bikes. Most have taken some formal advanced riding classes also. However, we are always learning and honing our skills at all levels.
Should you ride with a group?
Are you new to riding? If you are, think twice. Riding with a group presents challenges to an already demanding learning process, and probably should be avoided until you have at least 1,000 miles experience.